Arctic Foxes in Iceland Winter Wilderness II

  • February 15th, 2025 - February 21st, 2025
  • Spaces Left: 2 (Maximum 5 Photographers)
Arctic Fox Photography


This bespoke, custom-tailored workshop to the Hornstrandir Nature Reserve in the far north-west of Iceland, is for keen and passionate wildlife photographers who want to capture dramatic and powerful photographs of Arctic Foxes in winter. The Hornstrandir Nature Reserve is one of the best places in the world to photograph both the Blue and White morph Arctic Fox. We have a small group size and personal, one-on-one tuition for the duration of the workshop. There will also be landscape opportunities during this workshop, although our primary focus is the Arctic Fox.

  • Dates: 15th February 2025 until 21st February 2025 (Duration 6 Nights / 7 Days)
  • Investment: $8,950 USD (Deposit to secure place $3,500 USD)
  • Participants: Maximum 5 Photographers plus leader
  • Start and Finish: Isafjord, Iceland
  • Trip Leaders: Joshua Holko Master Photog II
  • Fitness Level: Easy
  • Temperature: Freezing
  • Experience Level: Beginner to Professional


This is a unique and special opportunity for a small group of just five passionate photographers to photograph wild Arctic Foxes in the remote northwest of Iceland during winter. We will travel by private charter boat to the remote Arctic peninsula in the Hornstrandir Nature Reserve to photograph nature’s most incredible survivor - The Arctic Fox.

Arctic Foxes are unfortunately hunted and shot across most of Iceland, making them extremely shy and difficult to find (and even more challenging to photograph). In the remote northwest, however, the Arctic Foxes are protected inside the Hornstrandir Nature Reserve and can be more easily approached and photographed.

This photography expedition will last for 7 days (6 nights). We will stay in a small, remote cabin that is rustic but functional and clean. During our stay in the cabin, we will have a dedicated staff member to clean and prepare breakfast, lunch, and dinner for us (all included). However, this expedition is all about photography. We will work long hours in the field to ensure we give ourselves the best possible opportunities to photograph the Arctic Fox. We may take food and drink into the field to ensure we are positioned and ready to photograph when the foxes are active. We will have up to 10 hours of daylight to photograph the Arctic foxes. With luck, we may also see and photograph the spectacular Northern lights.


Arctic Fox Photography
Arctic Fox Photography
Arctic Fox Photography
Arctic Fox Ellesmere Island
Arctic Fox Blizzard
Arctic Fox Photography
Click for More Information